My cousin found Mura abandoned on a field as a very small and sick puppy. She was under 2 months old, crawling alone, with no food, water or shelter. Her back legs weren't moving for some reason, he tought Mura was paralyzed. He kept her for a while, but the foster family couldn't keep her, so he brought her to Happy Paws. She was very shy and strange looking. No one saw her for a day or two, she kept hidding in the back of the doggie house or even behind it. Happy Paws was too noisy for her.
Very fearful, didn't trust anyone, people or dogs
After a few weeks, she bacame friendly with us, she enjoyed cuddles and she played with the other dogs. But she was always a shy girl. Her front legs were a bit crooked, we assumed the reason was her malnutrition and poor level of calcium. We gave her some, to help her, but she also took matters into her own hands. She found some rock that we use in construction that is also known to have a lot of calcium in it. She would chew on the rock (softer then an usual one) every day; we thought it was weird at that time and often took it away from her, but she was very determined. Mura knew what she was doing, her legs are perfect now. She grew up to be a beautiful young dog.
Soon we had to move her to a bigger kennel; we had no idea she would grow into a big, gentle beauty.
She was always a submissive, shy, gentle girl. And she became very camera shy; I would have to come up with tricks to actually take a photo of her. As soon as she saw me holding the camera and poiting it to her, she would find the nearest place to hide and stay there.
Ops! She's taking photos again!!
She loves to be cuddled; she is a gentle teddy bear who would enjoy a family of her own. She did have this incredible luck to be saved, when people gave her the death penalty just for being born; such a luck deserves a happy ending, don't you think?
Recently, she decided she does need a loving home, I mean she really comitts to this plan. Why else would she be so willing to have her picture taken all of a sudden? She is around one year old, spayed, very sweet natured and well behaved, loving to people and kind to other dogs (as long as they don't stepp on her paws, as she recently also descovered her size; she is not aggressive, but will put a overeager dog into his/her place). She is available for adoption.
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